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Gentoo Linux 2006.0 Handbooks
HTML | One page per chapter, perfect for online viewing | x86, sparc, alpha, amd64, ppc, ppc64, hppa |
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Documentation Repository
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Installation Related Resources
Installation Guides
Gentoo Handbook: The Gentoo Handbook is an effort to centralise documentation into a coherent handbook. This handbook contains the installation instructions for internet-based installation approaches and parts about working with Gentoo and Portage.
Gentoo 2006.0 Handbook: The Gentoo 2006.0 Handbook is an effort to centralise documentation into a coherent handbook. It contains the networkless installation instructions for the 2006.0 release and parts on working with Gentoo and Portage.
Gentoo Linux x86 Quick Install Guide: The Quick install guide covers the Gentoo install process in a non-verbose manner. Its purpose is to allow users to perform a stage3 install in no time. Users should already have prior experience with installing Gentoo Linux if they want to follow this guide.
Gentoo Linux x86 with Software Raid and LVM2 Quick Install Guide: The Quick install guide covers the Gentoo install process in a non-verbose manner. Its purpose is to allow users to perform a stage3 install with software RAID and LVM2 in no time. Users should already have prior experience with installing Gentoo Linux if they want to follow this guide.
Gentoo Linux Sparc Quick Install Reference: The Quick install reference covers all details of the sparc install process in a non-verbose manner. Users should already have prior experience with installing Gentoo Linux if they want to follow this guide.
A short guide to Gentoo/FreeBSD: This document gives some general information on FreeBSD, as well as installation instructions for Gentoo/FreeBSD. It also includes some reference for people interested in helping out with development.
Other Installation Related Documentation
Gentoo Linux Bluetooth Guide: This guide will explain how to successfully install a host Bluetooth device, configure the kernel properly, explain all the possibilities that the Bluetooth interconnection offers and how to have some fun with Bluetooth.
The Gentoo Linux alternative installation method HOWTO: This HOWTO is meant to be a repository of alternative Gentoo installation methods, for those with special installation needs such as lack of a cdrom or a computer that can't boot cds.
Gentoo LVM2 installation: This guide describes how to setup your Gentoo machine using the Logical Volume Manager version 2 (LVM2).
Gentoo/x86 Installation Tips & Tricks: The Gentoo installation allows for very flexible approaches to the various installation methods. As it is almost impossible to insert every single tip or trick in the installation instructions this document tries to deal with all submitted tips and tricks for reference purposes.
Gentoo 1.4 Upgrade Guide: A method for upgrading older Gentoo installations in place to Gentoo 1.4
Gentoo Upgrading Guide: This document explains how new Gentoo releases affect existing installs.
The complete Gentoo Linux 2.6 migration guide: This document will aid you in the process of migrating from Linux 2.4 to Linux 2.6, devfs to udev, OSS to ALSA, and LVM to LVM2.
Gentoo Linux Genkernel Guide: This guide intends to provide a reference of all the functions provided by genkernel.
Gentoo/MIPS Linux Hardware Requirements: This document provides an overview of the status of various MIPS-based systems for installing Gentoo Linux. If you find errors or omissions please email the maintainer or an editor.
Gentoo Grub Error Collection: The objective of this error collection is to list the GRUB problems and errors people can be facing. All these solutions have been acquired through the cooperation of many users of the Gentoo Forums.
Gentoo Linux USB Guide: This document helps a user setup USB on a Gentoo system and configure various USB devices as well.
Gentoo Linux LiveUSB HOWTO: This HOWTO explains how to create a Gentoo Linux LiveUSB or, in other words, how to emulate a Gentoo Linux Installation CD using an USB flash drive.