联系邮箱:faye.dai@atomcon.com 注明刘盛引荐
JobTitle:Senior Oracle Expert
Employeetype: Employee
Asenior OracleExpert should have strong IT knowledge background (Database, OS, SAN Network, Storage), especialon Oracle database and Open operating system (for example IBM AIX or HP HPUX)and he has sensitive perspective on IT Application architect and IT Performancearchitect. He should have some knowledge of Storage technology (It is better toknow HDS Storage) and enterprise storage network, and have a full understandingwith I/O data flow process. He should have an ability to analyze different performance data,maybe from OS, Oracle or Storage, then find the root cause.He can do data migration through Oracle Level.
PerformanceAnalysis base on Storage, or OS or Oracle Database
Havea ability to design the whole solution, not only on storage base
DeliverHDS UCP(Unified Computer Platform) solution to the end-user
Communicateand demonstrate HDS UCP solutions to customer base
Pre-SalesSupport HDS Solutions
Abilityto converse in Mandarin and English;
Abilityto communicate with oversea experts in English fluently
8-10years relevant work experience on OS, Oracle database, storage and SAN Network
Handleperformance issue at least three years or more
Indepth IT architect knowledge with diagnostic abilities
Certifiedby Oracle Company (Can setup Oracle/Oracle RAC/Oracle ASM)
Certifiedby Server Company, such as IBM or HP
StrongUnderstanding of process when you meet critical case
Need OCP(Oracle Certified Professional)Certification, better to have OCM(Oracle Certified Master) Certification.