
      早上刚上班,同事告诉我数据库连不上了,提示“ORA-12516”错误,我尝试通过PL/SQL Developer远程连接数据库,果然,报错了“ORA-12516: TNS: 监听程序无法找到匹配协议栈的可用句柄”;接着我通过远程桌面登录服务器,尝试用sys用户登录数据库,报了同样的错误。奇怪,昨天下班时还好好的。

操作系统:Windows Server 2008 R2
数据库:Oracle 10g
     首先,通过lsnrctl stop关闭监听器,禁止新的连接,以确保第二步能够执行成功;


  1. SQL>
  2. SQL> show parameter processes

  4. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
  5. aq_tm_processes integer 0
  6. db_writer_processes integer 3
  7. gcs_server_processes integer 0
  8. job_queue_processes integer 10
  9. log_archive_max_processes integer 2
  10. processes integer 150
  11. SQL> show parameter sessions

  13. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
  14. java_max_sessionspace_size integer 0
  15. java_soft_sessionspace_limit integer 0
  16. license_max_sessions integer 0
  17. license_sessions_warning integer 0
  18. logmnr_max_persistent_sessions integer 1
  19. sessions integer 170
  20. shared_server_sessions integer
  21. SQL>
      第四,通过select sid,serial#,program,terminal from v$session;查看当前所有会话信息,从当时的结果可以看到,有一百多条记录,已经超过了数据库的session上限;而且,除了Oracle自身的十几个会话外,其余一百多个会话都是同一个terminal。由此,找出了故障点所在(这台设备是昨晚刚刚安装的一台终端)。
     第五,关闭故障设备上的应用程序,再次通过select sid,serial#,program,terminal from v$session;查看当前所有会话信息,查询结果显示只剩下二十多条会话信息,考虑到Oracle自身的十几个会话外和同时启动的几个应用程序,应该是正常的;
     第七,查看报警日志,在日志中看到了大量的Process m000 died报警;


  1. Wed Apr 29 21:27:31 2015
  2. ksvcreate: Process(m000) creation failed
  3. Wed Apr 29 21:28:32 2015
  4. Process m000 died, see its trace file
  5. Wed Apr 29 21:28:32 2015
  6. ksvcreate: Process(m000) creation failed
  7. Wed Apr 29 21:29:33 2015
  8. Process m000 died, see its trace file
ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded Died during process startup with error 20 (seq=5413)”语句,原来是连接数超过了阀值,数据库无法再建立新的连接,所以报错。


  1. Dump file c:\\oracle\\product\\10.2.0\\admin\\hoegh\\bdump\\hoegh_ora_8032.trc
  2. Wed Apr 29 21:28:31 2015
  3. ORACLE V10. - 64bit Production vsnsta=0
  4. vsnsql=14 vsnxtr=3
  5. Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
  6. With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
  7. Windows NT Version V6.1 Service Pack 1
  8. CPU : 24 - type 8664, 12 Physical Cores
  9. Process Affinity : 0x0000000000000000
  10. Memory (Avail/Total): Ph:3339M/8181M, Ph+PgF:10815M/16361M
  11. Instance name: hoegh

  12. Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1

  13. Oracle process number: 0

  14. Windows thread id: 8032, image: ORACLE.EXE

  15. ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded
  16. Died during process startup with error 20 (seq=5413)
  17. OPIRIP: Uncaught error 20. Error stack:
  18. ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (150) exceeded
  19. Dump file c:\\oracle\\product\\10.2.0\\admin\\hoegh\\bdump\\hoegh_ora_8032.trc
  20. Thu Apr 30 00:19:05 2015
  21. ORACLE V10. - 64bit Production vsnsta=0
  22. vsnsql=14 vsnxtr=3
  23. Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
  24. With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
  25. Windows NT Version V6.1 Service Pack 1
  26. CPU : 24 - type 8664, 12 Physical Cores
  27. Process Affinity : 0x0000000000000000
  28. Memory (Avail/Total): Ph:3347M/8181M, Ph+PgF:10813M/16361M
  29. Instance name: hoegh

  30. Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1

  31. Oracle process number: 0

  32. Windows thread id: 8032, image: ORACLE.EXE

  33. ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded
  34. Died during process startup with error 20 (seq=5582)
  35. OPIRIP: Uncaught error 20. Error stack:
  36. ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (150) exceeded
  37. Dump file c:\\oracle\\product\\10.2.0\\admin\\hoegh\\bdump\\hoegh_ora_8032.trc
  38. Thu Apr 30 01:27:31 2015
  39. ORACLE V10. - 64bit Production vsnsta=0
  40. vsnsql=14 vsnxtr=3
  41. Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
  42. With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
  43. Windows NT Version V6.1 Service Pack 1
  44. CPU : 24 - type 8664, 12 Physical Cores
  45. Process Affinity : 0x0000000000000000
  46. Memory (Avail/Total): Ph:3350M/8181M, Ph+PgF:10812M/16361M
  47. Instance name: hoegh

  48. Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1

  49. Oracle process number: 0

  50. Windows thread id: 8032, image: ORACLE.EXE

  51. ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded
  52. Died during process startup with error 20 (seq=5650)
  53. OPIRIP: Uncaught error 20. Error stack:
  54. ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (150) exceeded
  55. Dump file c:\\oracle\\product\\10.2.0\\admin\\hoegh\\bdump\\hoegh_ora_8032.trc
  56. Thu Apr 30 09:54:12 2015
  57. ORACLE V10. - 64bit Production vsnsta=0
  58. vsnsql=14 vsnxtr=3
  59. Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
  60. With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
  61. Windows NT Version V6.1 Service Pack 1
  62. CPU : 24 - type 8664, 12 Physical Cores
  63. Process Affinity : 0x0000000000000000
  64. Memory (Avail/Total): Ph:3857M/8181M, Ph+PgF:11421M/16361M
  65. Instance name: hoegh

  66. Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1

  67. Oracle process number: 0

  68. Windows thread id: 8032, image: ORACLE.EXE
        至于为什么新增设备会产生大量连接,到现在还没有搞清楚,怀疑和操作系统有关,这台设备安装的操作系统是windows xp embeded裁剪版系统,据说在安装系统时不太顺利;在故障设备上启动应用程序,通过select sid,serial#,program,terminal from v$session;监控实时会话信息,会话数不断增多,直到触碰阀值,数据库报错,问题成功复现;
