


 创建物化视图日志在建立时有多种选项:可以指定为rowid、primary key和object id几种类型,同时还可以指定sequence或明确指定列名。
 如果with后面跟了primary key,则物化视图日志中会包含主键列。
 如果with后面跟了rowid,则物化视图日志中会包含: m_row$$:用来存储发生变化的记录的rowid。
 如果with后面跟了object id,则物化视图日志中会包含:sys_nc_oid$:用来记录每个变化对象的对象id。

 1.primary key
  drop table test_id;    --删除表
  create table test_id(id number,name varchar2(30),mark number); --创建表
  alter table test_id add constraint pk_test_id primary key (id);  --增加主键
  drop materialized view log on test_id;--删除物化视图日志
  create materialized view log on test_id tablespace ttts with primary key; --依据主键创建物化视图日志
sql> desc mlog$_test_id;
  name            type        nullable default comments
  --------------- ----------- -------- ------- --------
  id                   number      y        用主键记录发生dml操作的行
  snaptime$$      date        y        snaptime$$列记录了刷新操作的时间。                
  dmltype$$       varchar2(1) y        dmltype$$的记录值i、u和d,表示操作是insert、update还是delete。                
  old_new$$       varchar2(1) y        old_new$$表示物化视图日志中保存的信息是dml操作之前的值(旧值)还是dml操作之后的值(新值)。除了o和n这两种类型外,对于update操作,还可能表示为u。                
  change_vector$$ raw(255)    y        change_vector$$记录dml操作发生在那个或那几个字段上

--当创建物化视图日志使用primary key时,oracle创建临时表 RUPD$_基础表
  sql> desc rupd$_test_id;
  name            type        nullable default comments
  --------------- ----------- -------- ------- --------
  id                     number           y                        
  dmltype$$       varchar2(1)            y                        
  snapid                integer           y                        
  change_vector$$ raw(255)               y  

  drop table test_rowid;    --删除表
  create table test_rowid(id number,name varchar2(30),mark number); --创建表
  drop materrialized view log on test_rowid;
  --create materialized view log on test_rowid with rowid, sequence (id, name) including new values ;
  create materialized view log on test_rowid with rowid;--依据rowid创建物化视图日志

  sql> desc mlog$_test_rowid;
  name            type          nullable default comments
  --------------- ------------- -------- ------- --------
  m_row$$         varchar2(255) y                        
  snaptime$$      date          y                        
  dmltype$$       varchar2(1)   y                        
  old_new$$       varchar2(1)   y                        
  change_vector$$ raw(255)      y

 3.object id
  create type test_object as object (id number, name varchar2(30), num number);--创建类型
  create table test_objid of test_object; --创建表
  create materialized view log on test_objid with object id;--依据object id创建物化视图日志
  sql> desc mlog$_test_objid;
  name            type        nullable default comments
  --------------- ----------- -------- ------- --------
  sys_nc_oid$     raw(16)     y                        
  snaptime$$      date        y                        
  dmltype$$       varchar2(1) y                        
  old_new$$       varchar2(1) y                        
  change_vector$$ raw(255)    y 

  drop table test_sq;    --删除表
  create table test_sq(id number,name varchar2(30),mark number); --创建表
  drop materialized view log on test_sq;--删除物化视图日志
  create materialized view log on test_sq tablespace ttts with sequence; --依据sequence创建物化视图日志
  --ora-12014: 表 'test_sq' 不包含主键约束条件
  create materialized view log on test_sq with sequence (id, name,num) including new values;--包含基础表的所有列
  --ora-12014: 表 'test_sq' 不包含主键约束条件
  alter table test_sq add constraint uk_test_sq unique (id,name);  --增加uk
  create materialized view log on test_sq with sequence (id,name) including new values;
  --ora-12014: 表 'test_sq' 不包含主键约束条件
  即主键、rowid或object id用来唯一表示物化视图日志中的记录,sequence不能唯一标识记录,故不能单独用来建日志。
  create materialized view log on test_sq with rowid,sequence (id, name) including new values ;
  sql> desc mlog$_test_sq;
  name            type          nullable default comments
  --------------- ------------- -------- ------- --------
  id              number        y    建立物化视图时指明的列会在物化视图日志中进行记录。                     
  name            varchar2(30)  y                        
  m_row$$         varchar2(255) y                        
  sequence$$      number        y    sequence会根据操作发生的顺序对物化视图日志中的记录编号。                    
  snaptime$$      date          y                        
  dmltype$$       varchar2(1)   y                        
  old_new$$       varchar2(1)   y                        
  change_vector$$ raw(255)      y 


  insert into test_id    values (1, 'a', 5);
  insert into test_rowid values (1, 'a', 5);
  insert into test_objid values (1, 'a', 5);
  insert into test_sq    values (1, 'a', 5);

  update test_id    set name = 'c' where id = 1;
  update test_rowid set name = 'c' where id = 1;
  update test_objid set name = 'c' where id = 1;
  update test_sq    set name = 'c' where id = 1;

  delete test_id   ;
  delete test_rowid;
  delete test_objid;
  delete test_sq   ;




  当建立物化视图日志时指出了including new values语句时,就会出现这种情况。 

  基于主键、rowid和object id的物化视图日志在change_vector$$上略有不同,但是总体设计的思路是一致的。



  create materialized view mv_test_id refresh fast on commit as
  select * from test_id;                                           --commit时物化视图被刷新

  create materialized view mv_test_rowid refresh fast as
  select name, count(*) from test_rowid group by name;
  --ORA-32401: "TT"."TEST_ROWID" 上的实体化视图日志没有新值
  alter materialized view log on test_rowid add including new values;
  create materialized view mv_test_rowid refresh fast as
  select name, count(*) from test_rowid group by name;
  --ORA-12033: 不能使用 "TT"."TEST_ROWID" 上实体化视图日志中的过滤器列
  alter materialized view log on test_rowid add (name); 
  create materialized view mv_test_rowid refresh fast as
  select name, count(*) from test_rowid group by name;

  create materialized view mv_test_objid refresh fast as
  select * from test_objid;
  --ORA-12014: 表 'TEST_OBJID' 不包含主键约束条件
  alter table test_objid add constraint pk_test_objid primary key (id);  --增加主键 
  create materialized view mv_test_objid refresh fast as
  select * from test_objid;
  --ORA-23415: "TT"."TEST_OBJID" 的实体化视图日志不记录主键   
  alter materialized view log on test_objid add (id); 
  alter materialized view log on test_objid add primary key (id); 
  drop materialized view  log on test_objid;
  create materialized view log on test_objid tablespace ttts with primary key including new values;
  create materialized view mv_test_objid refresh fast as
    select * from test_objid;   
  create materialized view mv_test_sq refresh fast as
  select name, count(*) from test_sq group by name;                --需要用exec dbms_mview.refresh('mv_test_sq')来刷新

  exec dbms_mview.refresh('mv_test_rowid');
  exec dbms_mview.refresh('mv_test_objid');
  exec dbms_mview.refresh('mv_test_sq');
  refresh fast as             调用exec dbms_mview.refresh('mv_基本表')时物化视图刷新
  refresh fast on commit as   在commit时物化视图刷新
  refresh fast on demand      定时物化视图刷新
  create materialized view mv_test_sq2 refresh fast on demand
  with rowid start with to_date('22-04-2011 16:30:01', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') next /*1:hrs*/ sysdate + 1/(24*60)
  as select id,count(*) from test_sq group by id;

 --ORA-32401: "TT"."TEST_ROWID" 上的实体化视图日志没有新值
 alter materialized view log on test_rowid add including new values;
 --ORA-12033: 不能使用 "TT"."TEST_ROWID" 上实体化视图日志中的过滤器列
 alter materialized view log on test_rowid add (name); 
 --ORA-12014: 表 'TEST_OBJID' 不包含主键约束条件
 alter table test_objid add constraint pk_test_objid primary key (id);  --增加主键   
 --ORA-23415: "TT"."TEST_OBJID" 的实体化视图日志不记录主键
 drop materialized view  log on test_objid;
 create materialized view log on test_objid tablespace ttts with primary key including new values;

create {materialized view | snapshot} log on   [tablespace ] [storage (…)] [pctfree <10>] [pctused <40>] [initrans <1>] [maxtrans ] [logging | nologging] [cache | nocache] [noparallel | parallel []] [partition…] [lob…] [using index…] [with [primary key] [, rowid] [( [, …])] ] [{including | excluding} new values];

alter {materialized view | snapshot} log on  [add [primary key] [, rowid] [( [, …])] ] […];

drop {materialized view | snapshot} log on ;

create {materialized view | snapshot} [tablespace ] [storage (…)] [pctfree <10>] [pctused <40>] [initrans <1>] [maxtrans ] [logging | nologging] [cache | nocache] [noparallel | parallel []] [cluster  ( [, …])] [lob…] [partition…] [build {immediate | deferred}] [on prebuilt table [{with | without} reduced precision]] [using index…] [ refresh [fast | complete | force] [on commit | on demand] [start with ‘’] [next ‘’] [with {primary key | rowid}] [using [default] [master | local] rollback segment []] ] | never refresh ] [for update] [{enable | disable} query rewrite] as ;

alter {materialized view | snapshot}  … [compile];

drop {materialized view | snapshot} ;

 connect pubr/bit@datasource ;
 drop materialized view log on pubr.allactive;  --删除物化视图日志
 create materialized view log
 on pubr.allactive tablespace logts with primary key; --创建物化视图日志

 connect ttowb/bit;
 drop materialized view allactive_tt;        --删除物化视图
 create materialized view allactive_tt
 refresh fast
 CORRECTID,to_date('1900-01-01') allactive_rtime from pubr.allactive@pubrowb ;  --创建物化视图

九、参考   Oracle物化视图:创建最简单物化视图          Oracle如何根据物化视图日志快速刷新物化视图                 物化视图日志结构
