1.select sal*12 anuualsal from emp 该语句是用anuual指定别名,记住anuual与别名中间不能有空格,如果别名中有特殊字符(如中文、空格等)则需用双引号把anuual和别名括起来!
4.在select语句中可以用distinct去除某一字段重复的行,如果distinct后接多个字段,则表示当多个字段都相同的时候只显示其中的一条记录,如select distinc deptno,job from emp 则表示所选的记录中当deptno和job的组合相同的时候只显示其中的一条记录;
5.当需要选择某一字段中记录为空的时候条件里面应选isnull,而不是判断某一字段值是否为空,如select ename,sal,comm from emp where comm is null;是正确的,而select ename,sal,comm from emp where comm=null;则是错误的;
6.百分号表示一个或多个字符,下划线表示一个字符,当所要select的字段值中含有通配符的时候就要使用转义字符了,默认的转义字符反斜杠,也可以使用escape自己指定转义字符,如 select ename from emp where ename like '%$%%' escape '$' ,则表示select名字里面含有一个%的人的记录,其中的$是转义字符;
7.函数:to_char()转换为某一格式,其中9代表一位数字,0也代表一位数字,但是当使用9时如果小数点前面写了9的那一位没有数字时则该位不显示,而如果使用的是0 的话则如果小数点前面写了0的那一位如果没有数字则该位显示0;L代表本地货币符号;to_char()使用的格式为to_char(字段,‘格式’);如select to_char(hiredate,‘YYYY-MM-DD HH-MI-SS')这样的时间格式是十二进制的,如果在HH后面加上24就转为二十四进制的了!
8.在等值连接中还可以使用join 表 using(字段名)来连接两个表;也可以使用join 表 on 条件;using不推荐使用;
select ename sal from emp
join (select max(sal) max_sal,deptno from emp group by deptno) t on (emp.sal = t.max_sal and emp.deptno = t.deptno)
select deptno,avg_sal,grade from
(select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno) t
join salgrade s on (t.avg_sal between s.losal and s.hisal)
select deptno,avg(grade) from
(select deptno,ename,grade from emp join salgrade s on (emp.sal between s.losal and s.hisal)) t group by deptno
select ename from emp where empno in (select distinct mgr from emp);
select sal from emp where sal not in (select distinct e1.sal from emp e1 join emp e2 on (e1.sal
select deptno from
(select avg(sal) avg_sal,deptno from emp group by deptno) where avg_sal =
(select max(avg_sal) from
(select avg(sal) avg_sal,deptno from emp group by deptno))
select dname from dept where deptno =
select deptno from
(select avg(sal) avg_sal,deptno from emp group by deptno) where avg_sal =
(select max(avg_sal) from
(select avg(sal) avg_sal,deptno from emp group by deptno)))
select dname from dept where deptno = (select deptno from (select deptno,avg_sal,grade from (select avg(sal) avg_sal,deptno from emp group by deptno) e join salgrade s on (e.avg_sal between s.losal and s.hisal)) where grade = (select min(grade) from (select deptno,avg_sal,grade from (select avg(sal) avg_sal,deptno from emp group by deptno) e join salgrade s on (e.avg_sal between s.losal and s.hisal))));(嵌套好厉害!)
select ename from emp where empno in (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null) and sal>(select max(sal) from emp where empno not in (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null));
select ename,sal from (select ename,sal from emp order by sal desc) where rownum<=5;
select ename,sal from 大连妇科医院哪个好 http://www.83692222.cn/
select ename,sal,rownum r from
(select ename,sal from emp order by sal desc)
) where r>=6 and r<=10;
10.rownum表示的是某一行在此表中的行号,第一行为一,但rounum只能与<=或<号一起用,如果要查找某一行或大于某一行的记录则需要使用嵌套查询。例如,如果要查找某一表中的前五行的记录则可以这样表示,select * from emp where rownum<=5;
create sequence seq;
select seq.nextval;
oracle 中有一张空表dual;